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About Chungnam


Rest and Relaxation in Deoksan Resom Spa

2013.01.18(금) 16:59:13 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr; chungnamdo@korea.kr)

The Deoksan Resom Spa in Yesan, Chungnam is Korea’s first “spa-oriented” resort that offers quality services all year round for travelers looking for a healthy and beautiful getaway. The resort boasts of great accessibility by being situated within one and a half hour drive from the Seoul metropolitan area. And it is also well positioned for people to enjoy beautiful scenery of nearby mountains and the west coast as well as various tourist attractions including cultural heritages, all within a 30 minute drive. In particular, the Sudeoksa Temple, an iconic wooden temple of Korea, and the Chunguisa Relics Site, which houses the birthplace and memorial hall of Yun, Bong-Gil, a Korean independence activist during the Japanese colonial period, are great attractions for those planning history trips.
In addition, the Deoksan Hot Springs has been best known for its health benefits with 600-year history. 45˚C water rich in germanium is effective not just for arthritis, neuralgia, muscle pains and blood circulation, but also for reducing subcutaneous fat and stimulating cell regeneration.

The resort features 407 rooms and various amenities including its key spa facility called ‘Chun Chun Hyang,’ two grand ballrooms, seven seminar rooms, a fitness center, art plaza, sculpture garden and trails. The Deoksan Resom Spa is a multi-functional spa resort bringing in health, relaxation, business, culture and arts all together. In particular, the resort formed an advisory group composed of experts in medicine, beauty treatment, leisure and tourism to better operate ‘Chun Chung Hyang,’ the key facility of the resort. It also signed an agreement with Cha University known for its expertise in alternative medicine to provide people with specialized health programs as a world-class spa resort. The outdoor spa named ‘Haemiwon’ features various baths and there is also an outdoor surf pool in the pool area.    
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