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First Exported the Bare Ground Vegetables to Foreign Market

Agricultural Corporation ‘H Sun Farmers’ 31 tons Shipments… Opens Taiwanese Market

2016.12.30(금) 09:49:33 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr; chungnamdo@korea.kr)

First Exported the Bare Ground Vegetables to Foreign Market

▲ First Exported the Bare Ground Vegetables to Foreign Market


Fresh bare ground vegetables ‘Baechoo’(Napa cabbage) of Cheonan caught customers in Taiwan and East Asian markets and is being exported for the first time.

Agricultural Company Corporation ‘H Sun Farmers’(President Yoo Hyung Roh) made a contract with fresh vegetables farmhouses in Cheoan area and exported ‘Baechoo’ to the markets in East Asia for the first time.

Cheonan-si and H Sun Farmers harvested and sorted their agricultural product at their farm in Gasan-ri, Ipjang-myeon and exported around 31 tons(about $22,000) to Taiwanese market, and planning to export the product around 190 tons(about $110,000) within the year.

Especially, H Sun Farmers has made a contract with competitive farmhouses in their area to export their product to Taiwanese market, so they has focused on educating farmhouses, maintaining stability and paying a forehead payment for cultivation funds to farmhouses.

And, the company built an agricultural product distribution center and operating pears, apples, melons, grapes, napa cabbages, cabbages and onions for domestic circulation and exportation. At the same time, because of their export contract($7billion till ends of April, 2017) with Taiwan, they are doing their best to supply and demand of local agricultural products.

Taking this opportunity, Cheonan is trying to build an export system to foreign markets in Taiwan and East Asia, reviving local economy to raise farm incomes by finding excellent agricultural products, enhancing cultivation area and advertising their products.  

The head of Agricultural Policy division Kim Chung Gu said, “To increase local farmhouses income who are having hard time from expansion of FTA, we are going to do our best to discover excellent local agricultural products and expand our exportation to global market.”

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